Welcome to the party

Welcome to the party

- Mullet Roger の投稿
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Good evening!

Welcome to the party that is "Hebrew retention for vicars." We are essentially creating this from scratch, so I do appreciate your patience and understanding along the way. This MyClasses page is where you'll be doing your Hebrew podcasts and quizzes. I've arranged them as simply as I could with a new topic heading for each Sunday. 

The outline of the course is simple: watch the podcast, then take the quiz. Quizzes are five questions and you must answer at least three correctly to pass. Two attempts per quiz, with the second attempt featuring a few new questions. All the questions are pulled either directly from the podcast or from the text in question. I've tried to balance questions concerning the Hebrew language with broader questions about themes, preaching, and so on. You'll see that at the moment we only have the first three ready to go, but the next few will be up by the end of the week. Feel free to begin these at any time. After I'm caught up you should see each new quiz appear shortly after the publication of the new podcast.

Over the course of your vicarage you must pass 40 podcast quizzes. They should be available until about this time next year, so if you really want to wait until next July to do all 40 of them, I suppose you can. This may also mean some of you finish up your last few podcasts after you've returned from vicarage, which is also fine. If you do not pass your 40 quizzes you will be required to complete a Hebrew Readings course during your fourth year. All of this information (and more!) can also be found in a document I've uploaded to the course page. You should feel free to share this and any other materials you find here with your vicarage supervisors. If they have concerns about the program or the time commitment you can direct them to Drs. Zieroth and Gieschen. 

If there are any questions as to the process or if you find any errors, kinks, etc. in the page, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll plan to leave you pretty well alone, but I'm always available if you need help. God's blessings on your studies and your service to the Church as vicars.

In Christ,

Pr. Mullet